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Beginner beekeeping class
10:00 AM10:00

Beginner beekeeping class

Want to start beekeeping? Maybe you have bees coming or have recently bought bees and realize that you want a little more knowledge to make your first year a success.. This class is for you!

Over the 10 hours we will cover topics from bee anatomy and hive structure to foraging habits and seasonal management practices, pest management and troubleshooting.

You will go away from this class with a much better understanding of the workings and management of your Honey Bee colony.

Class runs on Saturday May 11th from 10-4 and Sunday May 12th from 12-4

This class can be taken by anyone starting beekeeping and is a component of the mentorship program and required for new beekeepers when purchasing a Nuc from Green Box Bees.

Cost of Class $175.00

Includes Beekeeping in Western Canada book

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The hive and how it heals
2:00 PM14:00

The hive and how it heals

We have all heard that honey is great for that sore throat or a bad cold but it doesn’t end there. Honey has been shown to have many healing properties including wound care, burn treatment, immune boosting properties and much more. 

Honey isn’t the only product that comes from the hive that has the ability to help our bodies heal. Have you heard of Royal jelly, propolis and bee pollen? all of these products have some pretty amazing health benefits that deserve some serious attention. 

Come spend the afternoon with me exploring all that the hive has to offer (which is a lot) I have seen some pretty amazing result with using hive products in my day to day life and am passionate about sharing this knowledge with others. During the class we will explore - How these bee products are produced/collected by the bees, how they are harvested and how we can use them in our daily lives.  

It’s going to be a seriously great afternoon of learning!

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